Sunday, February 7, 2010

Strengthen Body Immune

Based on my reading, there are many foods that can be taken to increase the level of immune bodies, namely:

1. Protein - It is found in many fish that contain omega-3 high rates such as tuna, salmon or sardines. In omega-3, the body's immunity system to function to maximum level. In addition, fish products such as red meat and milk is also rich in protein.

2. Vegetables - Make vegetable diet as we should. It has the nature Phytochemical antioxidant compounds, and have the vegetables that can help in the process detoks body. With the help of Phytochemistry, the body becomes stronger against disease and thus help fight cancer. Foods such as carrots, sweet red, yellow squash, tomatoes, onions and eggplant are among the vegetables have compounds Phytochemistry.

3. Fruit - more or less the same benefits with vegetables, but fruit has a good extra. Fruits like strawberries contain high Phytochemistry compounds to help prevent cancer.

4. White water - It ease kidney task and liver for processing and removing toxins found in the blood. It also helps to eliminate mucous membrane of bacteria cause disease.

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