Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Benefits Of Water Soluble Vitamins B and C To Human Body

What are vitamins?

A vitamin is a small molecule that your body needs to carry out a certain reaction. Vitamins are essential in small quantities for all body functions including growth, repair of tissues, and the maintenance health. Most of us get enough of vitamins from our food, but it may be necessary for some people to take a vitamin supplement, because an ongoing shortage of vitamins will lead to failed health, weakness, susceptibility to disease.

The body needs at least 13 different vitamins to function properly: Vitamin A - Retinol; Vitamin B complex (B1 - Thiamine; B2 - Riboflavin; B3 - Niacin; B6 - Pyridoxine; B12 - Cyanocobalamin; B9 - Folic acid; B5 - Pantothenic acid; H - Biotin); Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid; Vitamin D - Calciferol (can be obtained through sunlight); Vitamin E - Tocopherol; Vitamin K - Menaquinone.

There are two types of vitamins: fat soluble (dissolve in fat) and water soluble.

Water soluble vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed by your body. These vitamins - vitamin C and all the B vitamins - need to dissolve in water before your body can absorb them. The water-soluble vitamins your body doesn't use are removed by your kidneys and come out in your urine. Because of this, your body can't store these vitamins in any significant amounts, so you need a fresh supply of these vitamins every day to avoid depletion. You can't really overdose on water-soluble vitamins, unless you take truly massive doses.

Water-soluble vitamins are easily destroyed or washed out during food storage or preparation. Proper storage and preparation of food can minimize vitamin loss. To reduce vitamin loss, refrigerate fresh produce, keep milk and grains away from strong light, and use the cooking water from vegetables to prepare soups.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

Vitamin B1 stimulates the appetite, aids digestion and the absorption of food, promotes growth in children, increases resistance to infection, essential for the proper functioning of the heart, nerve tissue and muscles. Age, fever, exercise, and weight gain all increase the need for this vitamin.

Lack of vitamin B1 may cause slower heartbeat, poor appetite, intestinal and gastric disorders, nervousness, poor lactation in nursing women, enlargement of the adrenals and pancreas, nerve degeneration, mental confusion, muscle weakness, wasting, edema and beriberi (disease of the peripheral nerves).

Food sources of Vitamin B1: fortified breads, meat and fish, liver, whole grains like wheat germ, cabbage, carrot, pineapple, celery, grapefruit, coconut, lemon, parsley, pomegranate.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 helps release energy from foods, is good for the skin, for the healthy functioning of gastrointestinal tract, promotes good vision and. Aids in the assimilation of iron and aids in proteins metabolism.

Lack of vitamin B2 may cause May Retard growth in children, lack of stamina and vitality, digestive disturbances, cataract, loss of hair, reduced tissue respiration or exchange of gases between the tissues and the blood, tongue ulceration, cracks at corners of mouth, dermatitis around nose and lips, eyes sensitive to light.

Food sources of Vitamin B2: meat, eggs, dairy products, grapefruit, apple, apricot, cabbage, carrot, nuts, spinach.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B3 helps the body turn food into energy. It aids in digestion, promotes normal appetite and healthy skin and is important for nerve function.

Lack of vitamin B3 may cause skin disorders, diarrhea, weakness, mental confusion, irritability.

Food sources of Vitamin B3: red meat, liver, poultry, fish, fortified hot and cold cereals, peanuts.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) is involved in energy production; aids in formation of hormones.

Lack of vitamin B5 may cause fatigue; nausea, abdominal cramps; difficulty sleeping.

Food sources of Pantothenic acid: liver, kidney, meats, egg yolk, whole grains, legumes.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is important for the brain and nerves to function normally. It also helps the body break down proteins and make red blood cells and helps body use fats.

Lack of vitamin B6 may cause skin disorders, dermatitis, cracks at corners of mouth, irritability, anemia, kidney stones, nausea, smooth tongue.

Food sources of Vitamin B6: potatoes, bananas, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, spinach, fortified cereals.

Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

Vitamin B9 helps the body make red blood cells, break down proteins, and keep the heart healthy, prevents birth defects of spine and brain, lowers homocystein levels and thus coronary heart disease risk. It is also needed to make DNA.

Lack of vitamin B9 may cause anemia, smooth tongue, diarrhea.

Food sources of Folic acid: dried beans and other legumes, leafy green vegetables, asparagus, citrus fruits, poultry.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps to build DNA, aids in development of normal red blood cells, and is important for nerve cell function.

Lack of vitamin B12 may cause pernicious anemia, anemia, neurological disorders, degeneration of peripheral nerves that may cause numbness, tingling in fingers and toes.

Food sources of Vitamin B12: fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs.

Biotin (Vitamin H)

Biotin helps release energy from carbohydrates; aids in fat synthesis.

Lack of Biotin may cause fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, depression, muscle pains, anemia.

Food sources of Biotin: liver, kidney, egg yolk, milk, most fresh vegetables.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is needed to form collagen, a tissue that helps to hold cells together. It aids in wound healing, assists in bone and tooth formation, strengthens the blood vessel walls, is vital for the function of the immune system, improves absorption and utilization of iron and calcium, and contributes to brain function. It also helps prevent nutritional ailments such as scurvy.

Lack of vitamin C may cause rapid heartbeat and respiration, shortness of breath, general weakness, tendency toward disease of the heart and blood vessels, headache, tooth decay, sore joints and bones, peptic and duodenal ulcers, impaired adrenal function, scurvy, difficulty in knitting broken bones.

Food sources of Vitamin C: cabbage, cucumber, grapefruit, orange, lemon, papaya, parsley, pineapple, radish, spinach, tomato, turnip, carrot, rhubarb. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Health Effect Of Trans Fat

When the demand for butter exceeded the ability of farmers to supply this desirable fat . the search for a substitute started us on a road to trans fats, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Not until 20 years ago did we finally discover the dangers of trans fats.

How Did Trans Fats Enter our Food Supply?

In the 1860s butter was in great demand and there just wasn't enough to satisfy everybody. Emperor Louis Napoleon III offered a prize for a substitute ... and so, the first margarine was invented by a French chemist. It was created from clarified beef fat.

It wasn't until 40 years later that the process of hydrogenation was developed ... and the door to deadly trans fats was opened. Butter rationing during two worlds wars and the lower cost of margarine ... had more and more people switching to this butter substitute -- made from cheap vegetable fats.

When vegetable oils are hydrogenated ... their molecules are chemically re-arranged. This produces a fat -- trans fat -- that becomes semi-hard at room temperature. Basically, trans fats mimic the saturated fats that our taste buds love. We are naturally drawn to the taste and the consistency.

The semi-solid trans fats are great for baking ... and not expensive like butter or lard. This is a big plus for food processors ... and the reason trans fats are found in most baked goods -- as well as fried foods. While this cheap alternative to butter is a boon for the food makers ... it is a dangerous bust for consumers. In the US alone, an estimated 100,000 people die prematurely every year ... due to the use of trans fats.

So What's so Bad About Trans Fats?

Trans fats have the worst effect on your cholesterol levels of all fats. They drive up your levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol ... at the same time lowering your levels of heart-protective HDL cholesterol. Trans fats' overall effect on your cholesterol levels is ... twice as bad as the effect of saturated fats
Recently, trans fats have also come under fire for damaging the lining of your arteries. It's this damage that leads to hardening of the arteries and higher blood pressure. The linings of your arteries play a very important role in controlling blood pressure. When these vital linings become damaged, their function is impaired -- resulting in high blood pressure.

How Can You Avoid Trans Fats?

Although trans fats were first used in margarine ... most margarines have eliminated this deadly fat. But, they're still found in many baked goods and fried foods. In fact, because of their low cost and convenience -- trans fats keep foods from spoiling -- hydrogenated oils are being used even more.

Keep clear of donuts, French fries, pastries, fast foods ... even the seemingly healthy granola bar often contains this dangerous fat. Check labels carefully ... avoid any food that contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Finally, a Little Help from the FDA

Fortunately, it is starting to get easier to find these dangerous trans fats -- and avoid them. As of January 2006, the FDA is requiring food makers to list the trans fat content  on the Nutrition Facts label found on all products.

Even a small amount of trans fats in your diet is bad for your heart health. Switch over to healthier fats today. Not all fats are bad for you. In fact, some fats will even help you lower your blood pressure. Olive oil, nuts, and fatty fish will give your body a good dose of healthy fats. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weight Reduce - How To Prevent Health Complications

These days we are becoming increasingly aware that we may be overweight or even obese and that this increase in weight can lead to health complications. Excess weight places a strain on our backs, heart and other parts of our body and health professionals advise us to take a closer look at our diet and lifestyle in general and make the necessary changes to control our weight. Exercise is one major consideration in any weight loss program and we often do not fit enough into our increasingly hectic lifestyles.

Exercise can come in many forms and can focus on toning different parts of the body as well as helping us to lose weight caused by excess body fat. Gyms are a familiar sight in most towns and cities and the vast array of equipment available can help us to control our weight and improve our overall fitness levels. This may not be everyone's ideal method of losing weight as you may feel self-conscious when surrounded by all those perfect bodies, but we all have to start somewhere in our fight against excess body weight.

Gyms aren't the only option available to us if we want to exercise more to lose weight. Simply walking more each day can provide us with an increase in activity that soon leads to us losing weight and feeling better. As our fitness levels increase we can then move onto jogging or even running. Believe it or not, climbing the stairs is one of the easiest and most effective exercises that most of us can do very easily. Not only does this help to shed some of our extra weight but also provides a great workout for our heart and cardiovascular system. Once you have broken yourself into exercise gently and begun to see your weight falling you may want to take up a new sport or other physical activity to further your weight loss.

The hardest part about exercise is actually starting to do it. Once you have made the effort to fit more exercise into your daily routine, and stick to it, you will find it becomes easier and almost automatic. If you become really enthusiastic about toning your body and want to begin weight training you must seek the advice of a professional trainer to prevent serious injury. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Importance Of Vitamins In Improving Health Benefits

What exactly are the health benefits of vitamins? We hear vitamins being mentioned all over the place, everybody telling you something different about how healthy they are for you or how you are supposed to get them into your diet and daily intake. However, sometimes people don't get into specifics and stay with broad generalizations. This can not only make it confusing for people who would like to know, it can also fail to emphasize the true importance of vitamins and their importance to your life.The health benefits of vitamins are even more far reaching, as certain vitamins are also antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that can neutralize the dangerous effects of free radicals. Free radicals are the by products of other reactions that can seriously damage healthy cells and tissues and can even lead to cancers. Vitamins C and E are both antioxidants, and are important to include in anybody's diet.

Your body makes vitamin D when sunlight hits your skin. Too much sun, as we all know, is a risk factor for skin cancer. Not enough sun, as not everybody knows, is a risk factor for dangerously low levels of vitamin D.Women who consume 500 IU of vitamin D a day from low-fat dairy products have a greatly reduced risk of developing breast cancer before menopause.It is known that the skin benefits of Vitamin E are significant especially for the skin suffering with acne. Usually, acne affects people with oily skin. Scientists are still not sure what exactly causes acne; some say it is genetic, and others argue that acne is caused by hormonal changes in a teenage body. Whatever the cause of excessive oil production is, the result is clogged pores and infection.Recent research shows the risk of cancer and heart disease is considerably lower in people who consume 5-7 serves of antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables.Most people ignore other outstanding health benefits of vitamin D that is clearly beneficial to the immune system, also to our good humor and to our muscles. But, one of the health benefits of vitamin D that has been often neglected is the one that has to do with women skeleton and osteoporosis. In fact, the health benefits of vitamin D, from this standpoint, are even more important than calcium.

Vitamin A and vitamin B2 are both needed for healthy vision. Without getting enough of these vitamins you can suffer from a variety of vision problems. In the worst cases a deficiency can lead to a condition called night blindness where you cannot see in the dark.Vitamin A and vitamin D both help your body create strong, healthy bones. Failure to get enough of these two vitamins can lead to a number of bone related problems such as osteoporosis (which causes reduced bone density) and rickets (which causes your bones to swell and fracture).Vitamins are required by your body to perform a number of essential functions. However, many people are unclear when it comes to the exact benefits that vitamins can provide.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Facts About High Cholesterol Level

Cholesterol forms every cell within the body. When the cholesterol level is appropriate, it plays a life-giving role in many functions of the body. When cholesterol is at a good level it works to build and repair cells, produces hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, and produces bile acids which are proven to aid in the digestion of fat.

Cholesterol, triglycerides, the protein Apo B in LDLs, is words dreaded by humans of the modern age. This new century is expected to become the century of medical miracles, the green tea, lowly as it may sound looks very promising as several researches have shown. This could be the decade of green tea and cholesterol.

Causes High Cholesterol: -

Hypercholesterolemia, literally meaning high blood cholesterol, is the presence of high cholesterol levels in the blood. Advanced studies of its treatment with supplements like policosanol and of the side effects of policosanol, and of the effects of diet and cholesterol, of stress and cholesterol and of alcohol and cholesterol, have helped millions of patients over the world who is coping with this medical condition.

Symptoms of High Blood Cholesterol: -

•    General fatigue
•    Excess sweating and feel of uneasiness
•    Pain and heaviness in chest area
•    Breathlessness

Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver. Foods from animals also contain cholesterol - probably because animals have livers, too. Some vegetables can also contain cholesterol and saturated fat. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that bonds to a protein before beginning its travel through the bloodstream. When cholesterol bonds to a protein the result is a lipoprotein

•    Lowers blood triglycerides - high levels of triglycerides are known to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
•    Helps reduce likelihood of blood clots - fish oil benefits include the prevention of blood platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots.
•    Lowers mild high blood pressure - fish oil helps lower blood pressure when it is due to high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.
•    Reduces inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and gout - fish oil health benefits come from the DHA and EPA that reduce the amount of inflammation-causing substances.
•    Lowers risk of developing Alzheimer's disease - studies have found that fish oil seems to help protect the nervous system.
•    Reduces depression rates - the lack of DHA has been linked to higher incidence rates of depression.

All forms of cholesterol medication work in a similar manner. In our blood we have a mixture of lipids, including LDL, HDL and triglycerides. LDL is actually the form of cholesterol that we need to reduce. HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, can be classed as a beneficial form of cholesterol that the body needs to function properly. The cholesterol medications all work to reduce the levels of LDL and triglycerides in the blood and, in some cases, raise the levels of HDL.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Green Tea Colostrum

I tried this product for several months and found that it is very effective once in my efforts to lose weight to be more ideal. It not only helped me lose weight but also my level of health also improved after using this product.

Green Tea is a drink that contains Polyphenols. Polyphenols are a group of powerful antioxidants that can protect against free radicals. Free radicals are elements that can damage the body.Colostrum also contains Immunoglobins, especially IgG can enhance the immune system to protect against various attacks bacteria, viruses, fungi and allergens.

It also contains growth factors that can help accelerate the process of cell growth and repair and restore damaged cells. Generally, Green Tea Colostrum provides major substances that are important enough. Nature not only can help the body against harmful foreign substances but also heal the damaged cells.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Credit Card Control Guide

Often we hear in our credit cards facilitate spending because they do not need to carry cash. We have also complained because the expenses so easy because we cannot control the purchase via credit card. Consequently the debt is increasing. Here I list tips that can be practiced so that we are not too extravagant and easy to use credit cards.

1. Assume as credit card debt card. Only use credit cards when we have cash reserves to pay the debt.

2. Pay within 30 days. Avoid using your credit card if you do not have savings for repayment within 30 days. It will harm because we are forced to pay high interest.

3. Knowing your credit card balances. Make sure we know the total usage and make sure we can pay within 30 days.

4. Make sure no errors in billing. Check the monthly bills received by keeping the receipt of each purchase made. Make sure there is no error in the monthly bills received.

5. Wear one card only. With many cards it would have led us to spend more.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Things To Consider Before Opening A Joint Account

There are many reasons why many married couple want to open a joint account. Among the objectives is to increase the sense of togetherness between them through something that belongs together. But if we need to open a joint account, first we should consider the following matter before making a decision:

1. If you can, talk with your spouse about what the actual purpose of opening the joint account.

2. Discuss the need for any money in the joint account will be used.
3. Specify who will saving the money into the account and what amount. Who will make a saving, you or our spouse or both parties.  
4. When the joint account is used to pay monthly spending, so we recommend a detailed plan before withdrawal.
5. Do check every month of the withdrawal was made.
6. Get ready to face the situation that is not expected that the used of money does not get agreement both parties.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Helpful Tips To Stop Smoking Habit

During these challenging times it is difficult for a smoker to stop smoking. Although aware of the dangers to health, smoking will become a daily habit of many men. According to the reading of articles related to smoking, I can formulate some measures that can be taken to stop smoking:

1. A strong determination - Set day to start stop smoking. Discard all cigarettes, tobacco products, the ashes whether in the home, car and workplace.

2. Support and encouragement - Tell family members, friends, office partners that we in the process of quitting smoking and need their support.

3. Learn skills to stop smoking - Avoid self thinking about cigarettes. Delay response of smoking desire such as slow search for cigarette. Drinking water and avoid drinking coffee or tea  cause that drink makes us want to smoke. Chew something like chewing gum because it will reduce our desire to smoke.

4. Get medication and use correctly - Nicotine breathe, nicotine nasal spray obtained by prescription and chewing nicotine may help to stop smoking.

5. Ready when to return smoking - Let us not despair when we smoke again. Many smokers are successful after several attempts. Try stay away from other smokers.

Smooth Heel Foot

1. Take a little ginger.
2. Rub on the heels of the gross feet.
3. Done twice daily in the morning and night.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Perform Detoxification With Fresh Fruit

When talking about fruits, it is the repository of all the essential nutrients for the body because it contains various vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids and enzymes important for detoxification process. This process is important because it helps our body bind and remove toxins from the body. Here I would like to include some type of fresh fruit that can help the body detoxification process namely:

1. Citrus fruits - It contains lots of vitamin C, powerful antioxidants that can protect the body from harmful free radicals. A glass of hot water with fresh lemon juice is the best way to begin the process of detoxification. It will stimulate the digestive system and healthy body.

2. Apple, pear and grapes - Apples contain tartaric acid that helps improve digestion and cleanse the system task hearts. Pear fruit also serves as an effective diuretic drugs. While grapes proved to reduce constipation and help overcome the kidney, liver and digestive system.

3. Mango - It proved to be able to clean blood and good for the kidneys and digestive system.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Best Time To Drink Water

Drink also have specific times available for good health. Based on my reading, to get the full benefits of the drink, make sure we drink at the following times:

1. Morning after awakening from sleep - each person will lose fluid in the body throughout the night while we sleep. Loss of water in the body makes the body feel weak and our minds are not fit. So, drink the water in the morning, just after we wake up from sleep.

2. 30 minutes before meals - If you feel hungry when we began almost time to eat, it is the best time to drink water. Water good to health and it can help us reduce hunger.

3. Throughout the day - one more time is best to drink water throughout the day. Studies show drinking with 1.5 liter a day can help burn excess calories and increase metabolism in the body.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Strengthen Body Immune

Based on my reading, there are many foods that can be taken to increase the level of immune bodies, namely:

1. Protein - It is found in many fish that contain omega-3 high rates such as tuna, salmon or sardines. In omega-3, the body's immunity system to function to maximum level. In addition, fish products such as red meat and milk is also rich in protein.

2. Vegetables - Make vegetable diet as we should. It has the nature Phytochemical antioxidant compounds, and have the vegetables that can help in the process detoks body. With the help of Phytochemistry, the body becomes stronger against disease and thus help fight cancer. Foods such as carrots, sweet red, yellow squash, tomatoes, onions and eggplant are among the vegetables have compounds Phytochemistry.

3. Fruit - more or less the same benefits with vegetables, but fruit has a good extra. Fruits like strawberries contain high Phytochemistry compounds to help prevent cancer.

4. White water - It ease kidney task and liver for processing and removing toxins found in the blood. It also helps to eliminate mucous membrane of bacteria cause disease.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Avoid Swollen Forehead

Usually children will experience swelling of the forehead due to infected doors, beds and so on.Try these tips.

1. Blend nutmeg with a little water.
2. Apply on the forehead just swelling.
3. Swelling will be reduced gradually.

Drove Termite

1. Put salt in the gross termite.
2. Leave the salt in there and do not clean the salt.
3. Termite will not damage the area.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chendor Makmur Park

Another housing project that has been developed by the my employer is Chendor Makmur Park housing project, located in the federal street Kemaman - Kuantan. This project consists of 24 units of semi-detach and there are still some units that have not been sold. Here i listed a brief description of the house according to the type of house, area and cost.

Semi-Detach Type A (6 units)
Building Size 1419 Sft
Land Size From 3821 Sft and above

Semi-Detach Type B (2 units)
Building Size 1356 Sft
Land Size From 3649 Sft and above

Semi-Detach Type C (16 units)
Building Size 1363 Sft
Land Size From 2809 Sft and above

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cure Dry Skin

1. Take two leaves of cabbage petals.
2. Blend until crushed and add one tablespoon of honey bees.
3. Apply on the face and skin will become more humid.

Restore Cough

1. Mix the coconut water with some salt rough pieces.
2. Drink repeatedly. You'll find a cough will gradually recover.

Treating Hair Loss

1. Take some hard fruit seeds.
2. Grilled fruit is hard to turn into golden brown.
3. Blend until crushed and then add a little coconut oil.
4. Use this mixture every morning just on the hair before bath
5. Leave for 1 / 2 hours. Wash hair as usual.
6. Practice 2 times per week. You'll find hair loss problems will be reduced

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prevent Hair Loss

1. Cow 3 seeds lime.
2. Mix with 2 eggs white.
3. Apply throughout the hair.
4. Leave for 2 hours then wash your hair until clean.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alam Perdana Pasir Semut

I am interested in housing project developed by the my employer where I worked, housing project Alam Perdana Pasir Semut. The project is located 7km from the Chukai City, the way to Air Putih, Kemaman. Perspective that is displayed includes only 2 level terrace house. Projects in this area include mixed housing development of 2 storey terrace house low-cost medium, setingkat terrace house, semi-detach, bungalows and shop houses commercial which will be developed in phases by phase. 26 units of terrace houses was completed and sold out, while the construction of double storey low medium cost houses are swing developed. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Javanese Mee

Material A:

Yellow mee
Onion (ground)
Garlic (ground)
Ginger (ground)Galangal (ground)
Lemongrass (ground)
Dried shrimp (ground)
Little spice curry
Talas (boiled)
Meat (boiled)
Brown sugar
Wheat flour (slang with water)
Javanese tamarind water
Flavor powders

Material B (Decoration) :

Bean sprouts
Boiled egg
Fried onions
Kasturi Lime
Green pepper


1. Grinding materials stir until cooked. Enter curry spices and tamarind water Javanese.
2. Enter a little water and enter the sweet skin was removed.
3. Enter water stew meat and brown sugar and then enter.
4. If you want to concentrate input mix flour with water just now.
5. Meat that has been boiled should be just fine-cut fine.
6. Enter the meat into the sauce while the noodles should be soaked in hot water briefly.